Sunday, June 22, 2008


I liked Japan a lot. The food, the culture, the learning, the people. What I don't like? Erika Schmidt. Most whiny piece of trash on this planet. She knows I hate her though so it's okay. Hey personality is as such: If one thing is wrong, he world is over. If you aren't pitying her, she isn't happy. If she isn't sick, something is wrong. If you show her kindness, she hates you. If you do anything not relating to her, she spreads slander like whores spread herpes. Basically, she's a hypocondriac that has to be the center of attention and if you don't kiss up to her, she talks bad about you to everyone. In addition to that though, and this is the real kicker, when you insult her to her face or return the favor she flips a bitch. Hypocritical, Hypocondrical, Narcissistic whore.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


POST BEFORE LAST IS A TOTAL LIE. March 11th I am getting as many people as possible to go to Fort Collins to Huhuts Mongolian grill. Something like that. It'll be a big philosophical forum. Don't care if I know you. Get everyone you know to come. If that doesn't work, tell them their presence would make for a wonderful birthday present.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Like, what?

First. Flander's grading system is flawed. Fuck that shit. I got a 104 of on my poetry packet. Like, what the fuck? I am an amazing poet. Bonus points added into the total score? Those aren't any bonus. Fuck that.

To my point. Life is so-so. It always will be. I am writing an intense blog. This is just warning for a lot of philosophical bombshells causing you to take mental damage.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I don't. School is a waste anymore. They won't let me graduate early. Fuck that

Monday, December 3, 2007

What now?

I'm literally falling apart. Maybe not outwardly. Inwardly, though, my body is going haywire. My immune system flickers on at full strength and denies everything, or I get sick beyond recognition. Doctor's don't know why. Whatever. I have very few mottos with life. Time to list them for those that don't know.

-What's gonna matter when you die? I don't give a fuck.
-Do what makes you happy every day.
-Make other people smile or laugh.
-Pursue what your heart tells you.

4 simple things. How can someone live a good life from that? I dunno. My purpose is just to spread these kinds of messages. Love, Peace, and Unity. Wow. I sound religious. I AM but not in the christian sense or anything. I do what I do because I love people. We're dumb, we're slow, we don't understand everything BUT we try. We want to find out more. We push our limits. We are such amazing creatures I want to try and preserve as many as possible. That's why I am gonna be a doctor. believe me when I say this people, I love every single one of you. It's just hard to explain.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


It's time to start a revolution from my bed. Really. I sit around in my bed when I am on my laptop to write things, do paperwork, play WoW, and so forth. But really, Andy started this whole little thing. May as well embelish it all. Why NOT go against the grain of society? When you go against society because you feel it is right, then it often is, and more often than not, good things will happen as a result. Example? A while back Jordan and I went to Fort Collins cause I had a suspicion something cool would happen. We ended up buying journals for our loved ones and as we were leaving some dude with some chick said "Hey. That a Phenomenauts shirt?" and I was all "Totally" to which he responded "Righteous choice dude." It was a cool thing indeed.